Welcome to a wonderful year of learning and Jewish celebration and something new and exciting!
‘Kulanu’ is Congregation Beth Shalom’s inclusive, experiential Jewish educational program for families of pre-K – 8th graders. Our rich program includes a broad spectrum of Jewish learning, including: Hebrew, Prayer, Tanach (Hebrew Bible), Dinner, Games, Leadership, Life Cycles, Holidays, Cooking, Community Service, Interreligious Friendships. Focusing on connection and literacy, students develop the skills necessary to become active participants and leaders in our community through their participation in this supplemental religious school program. “Kulanu” (כולנו) is Hebrew for “all of us!”
Kulanu takes place at Congregation Beth Shalom most Sunday evenings from late August through late May, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. A hosted meal is included each week. Some of our field trips meet earlier in the day on Sunday’s. Our program includes ‘Baking with Bubbies’ on the first Friday of each month at 5:00 p.m., a student-participatory ‘Family Shabbat’ on the third Friday of each month (with an optional pre-Shabbat service family meal), and a supplemental one-on-one Hebrew mentorship program. A full calendar is included in our registration packet. Interested students are encouraged to drop in for a free ‘try it out date’!
Email or call Congregation Beth Shalom at (209) 571-6060 for more information